Parenting Picture of the Week

I thought I would add a fun new header to my weekly Picture of the week. This picture of the week is a picture of Grant doing his new favorite thing. That is put his hand over his ears as if he wants to say "I'm not hearing you!" I'm not sure why he started doing it, but he does it a lot when he is eating. I don't know if it is because his ears are bothering him or what. (but we did go to the doctor this week, and he has a sinus infection, and his ears were fine) Maybe he just discovered that he can do something new with his ears. But for whatever reason he decided to do it, it makes me laugh. And he has changed again this week. It's funny one day when I came home from work, its like he changed during the day, I noticed he looked differently. More like a little toddler and less like a baby. This picture of the week reminds me of me when I was little. Quite a bit actually. I wish I had some more pictures of me when I was littler to show you how much Grant resembles me, but I can post a few to show of me when I was a little older than him.

Grant is such a silly little boy, and is growing up so quickly!

I can't hear you and don't want to hear you!

For an added bonus, some pictures of me when I was little. I wish I had a couple other pictures on hand.

I also liked putting my hands on my ears. Such a diva.

A little older in this picture, but such a ham, and definitely see the resemblance!

Daddy also liked to put his hands on his ears, because he was a little stinker.


  1. LOL that is so cute about putting hands to the ears! It's so funny to see a bit of our personalities in our babies. I love your header! Your blog is really cute as well. I enjoy reading your posts--keep them coming!

  2. Cole does the same thing! He is always putting his hands on his ears...I was thinking about taking him in but he doesn't seem to be in pain...funny children!


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