Celebrating 4 years of Marriage

On Thursday, Matt and I celebrated our 4 year Wedding Anniversary. I can't believe it's already been 4 years. I remember our wedding day vividly. It was an odd weather day where it snowed, rained, and sleeted. I had my bridezilla moments in the planning process, and even that day. But was a marvelous day and went by extremely fast. I seriously where the time has gone. Now we our parents with a one year old boy. Funny thing was Grant's due date was actually on our third year anniversary. We ended up having Grant a week and a half early. But we got to celebrate our third anniversary with a newborn baby. Which was a pretty awesome present.

Celebrating anniversaries with a baby is tough. Last year since Grant was a newborn and only a week and a half old, we didn't want to go out to a restaurant. So Matt got carry out from Ruby Tuesdays. That was the extent of our romance and celebrating 3 years of marriage. This year, we had a slight upgrade. Since Grant wasn't feeling good, we didn't want to leave him with someone to watch him. So we decided to celebrate our four years of marriage by going to Frischs (a good ole family establishment.) with Grant. It was actually great, Grant attempted to eat the crayons that they gave him while Matt and I enjoyed our company. While it wasn't very classy, I appreciated that as a marriage couple with a baby, that is the best way to celebrate 4 years of marriage. Maybe in the next couple of years, we'll have a more exciting anniversary celebration.

 It's tough making sure to find time for each other with a baby, but we make time. That's the most important thing in marriage, is making time. Becoming parents has made our marriage stronger. I love seeing Matt as a father, and how wonderful he is with Grant. It makes me love Matt even more. 

I look forward to many more years with Matt, and watching our family grow. It's been a wonderful four years so far.


  1. Congrats Matt & Megan! Lots and lots of happy years to come :) You two certainly deserve it.


  2. Happy Anniversary!! May you have many more :)


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